This manual deals with driven and jacked SSAB’s RR and RRs piles, shaft grouted driven
CSG-RR piles and drilled RD and RDs piles. It covers all SSAB’s steel pile sizes. The manual is
based on the piling instructions of the Finnish Piling Manual PO-2016 and the Eurocodes system.
The manual describes the basics of the design and dimensioning of SSAB’s steel piles and pile
foundations according to Finnish application of Eurocodes, gives recommendations on the
selection of pile type and size and provides advice on the handling and installation, quality control,
measurements and documentation of piling. The manual includes pre-calculated dimensioning
tables and design and implementation examples to facilitate the design and implementation of
piling. When SSAB steel piles are used outside Finland, national requirements (implementation
and national annexes of Eurocodes) shall be taken into account in design and execution of piles.
SSAB’s RR, RRs, RD and RDs piles have European Technical Assessment ETA 12/0526.
• 1 and 2 family houses
• single- and multi-storey commercial, office, industrial and storage buildings
• multi-storey residential buildings
• sports arenas
• underpinning of foundations
• bridges
• pile slabs and other structures for transport infrastructure and
municipal engineering
• noise barriers and fences
• ports
• wind turbines and other power plants
ETA 12/0526
and RD
SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company. SSAB offers value added products and services developed in close cooperation with its customers to create
a stronger, lighter and more sustainable world. SSAB has employees in over 50 countries. SSAB has production facilities in Sweden, Finland and the US.
SSAB is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange in Stockholm and has a secondary listing on the NASDAQ OMX in Helsinki. www.ssab.com.