Front Hub Bearing Installation
Slide a bearing adapter and a 17 mm (ID) over axle bearing spacer (>9
mm length) onto the threaded rod of the bearing press tool. Insert the
threaded rod through the drive side of the hub shell and position the
spacer on the bearing race.
Slide the second 17 mm (ID) over axle bearing spacer
(>9 mm length) and bearing adapter onto the threaded rod and
position the bearing spacer on the bearing race. Thread the bearing
press handle onto the threaded rod. Turn the threaded handle
clockwise to press the bearing into the drive side bearing bore until it
is hand tight.
Check for side to side axle movement in the hub. If there is movement,
repeat step 5 to press the bearings into the hub shell further.
Remove the bearing press tool.
Do not overtighten the bearing.
The over axle bearing spacers must be long enough so there is no
compression on the axle as the second bearing is being pressed into
the hub shell. Bearing adapters must not contact the axle.
Press / 6903 Adapter / Spacer -- Spacer / 6903 Adapter / Press
Press / 6803 Adapter / Spacer -- Spacer / 6803 Adapter / Press