ROAM 60 & RAIL 50 End Cap Replacement
R O A M 6 0 & R A I L 5 0 E n d C a p R e p l a c e m e n t
20 mm or 15 mm thru axle end caps
: use 2x 22 mm open end
wrenches or adjustable wrenches.
Quick release (QR) end caps
: use 2x 5 mm hex wrenches.
Hold one wrench stationary and turn the other wrench
counterclockwise. One end cap will unthread from the hub and the
other will remain on the axle.
Insert the Small Stepped Tool into the open end of the axle.
Use a soft face mallet to tap out the axle from the hub.
22 mm
20 mm or 15 mm Thru Axle
22 mm
5 mm hex
Quick Release
5 mm hex
Small Stepped Tool