install the Battery Pack
Before using the TIF8800X, it is necessary to install and charge the supplied
niMh battery pack .
1 . Remove the rubber boot from around the tool .
2 . Unthread the screw holding the battery cover in place, and remove the cover .
3 . Connect the 4-pin plug on the battery pack harness to the tool, and position
the battery pack in the chamber . See Figure 1 .
4 . Reinstall the battery cover and screw .
5 . Reinstall the rubber boot .
CauTiOn: To prevent personal injury, always reinstall the rubber
boot. Failure to do so may impair the intrinsic safety of the tool—
without the rubber boot in place, there is a possibility of static
charge leading to explosion.
Note: If the boot or the battery cover is lost or damaged, replacement parts are
available. Refer to the Replacement Parts section of this manual for details.
4-pin plug
battery pack
Figure 1
Battery Pack