Spring Air Systems Water Wash Ventilator Maintenance Manual 11/01
Automatic Wash: Type “C” and “H:” Ventilators
The “C” and “H” ventilators have incorporated water wash manifold into the high efficiency grease extractor. The
PRIMARY BAFFLE C and SECONDARY BAFFLE F are both water wash manifolds.
Spray nozzles are spaced evenly along baffle/manifolds. The hot detergent water mixture enters the hot water inlet pipe,
and travels into the interconnecting pipe to the PRIMARY BAFFLE/MANIFOLD D and the SECONDARY
BAFFLE/MANIFOLD F. The water detergent mixture is sprayed uniformly within the interior of the grease extractor.
The water/detergent mixture washes the grease, lint and dirt into the sloping
VORTEX BAFFLE , which carries the mixture to the end of the ventilator, and into
the grease trough. The mixture travels along the grease trough to the drain. The
drain may be located at either end of the ventilator. Multiple ventilators may have
individual drains factory manifold to one common drain.
The wash time is adjustable from 0 to 10 minutes. The type “C” is normally set at 2
minutes while the type “H” is set at 3 minutes. Depending on the type of cooking
equipment the type “C” usually requires less hot water wash time because of the
continuous cold-water spray. During fan and cooking operation, the spray
continuously carries grease, dirt and lint down the drain, which reduces the daily
grease build-up.
The hot water required is approximately 1 gpm/ft. of ventilator at 40 psi (see Chart
No.1 and No. 3)
The cold-water continuous spray requires approximately 1.0 gph/ft. of ventilator at 15
psi (see Chart No.2 and No. 4)
See figure 19 for electrical and plumbing requirements for type “H” grease
Type “C” and “H” Wash
Figure 17
The hot water wash manifold can be viewed by removing the front access doors on the water wash grease extractor.
Make sure the fan has been switched off and the wash is complete before opening these doors. All wash nozzles are
directed from the middle of the water wash grease extractor towards the two ends. One wash nozzle is located on a
manifold extending up towards the exhaust duct collar. This nozzle washes the exhaust fire damper and fusible link.
Wash water is therefore directed straight out the duct collar into the exhaust duct. If water is found on top of the hood
check for leaks in the exhaust ductwork connected to the hood. If the wash water pressure is over 70 psi over spray
many occur at the ends of the grease extractor. Open the access door and rotate the wash nozzles counter clockwise 45
degrees starting with the nozzle closest the end of the grease extractor. Continue until over spray stops.
Water wash Manifold Type B, S, & B-S Extractor
Figure 18