Liquid Controls
Sponsler, Inc.
IT400 Remote Totalizer & Rate Indicator
Proprietary Notice
The information contained in this publication is derived in part from proprietary data and trade secrets.
This information has been prepared for the expressed purpose of assisting operating and
maintenance personnel in the efficient use of the instrument described herein. Publication of this
information does not convey any rights to use or reproduce it or to use for any purpose other than in
connection with the installation, operation and maintenance of the equipment described herein.
Copyright 2008
Printed in the USA. All Rights Reserved.
The following instructions must be observed.
Every effort has been made to design and manufacture this instrument to be safe for its intended
use. A hazardous situation may occur if this instrument is not used for its intended purpose or is
used incorrectly. Please note operating instructions provided in this manual.
The instrument must be installed, operated and maintained by personnel who have been properly
trained. Personnel must read and understand this manual prior to installation and operation of the
An auto-resettable fuse internally protects this instrument. To reset the fuse, remove all power
from the unit for one minute.
The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage caused by incorrect use of the instrument or for
modifications or changes made to the instrument.
Technical Improvements
Liquid Controls Sponsler, Inc. may modify the technical data herein without notice.
Do not open the enclosure when an explosive gas atmosphere is present.