Adding the optional second skimmer to your SuperPool
When installing a second Skimmer, attach the Skimmers and returns as shown in the previous instructions. Install
one of the Tee Fittings into the suction side of the pump and filter (in the leaf basket). Connect the hoses from the
Suction Fittings on the pool (bottom fittings) to the Threaded Nipples. Next insert the second Tee Fitting into the
return side of the pump and filter. Insert both Threaded Nipples into the Tee Fitting. Attach the hose from the
Return Fittings on the pool to the hose adapters. Teflon tape is recommended to prevent leaks in the fittings. DO
NOT USE PIPE SEALANT. Make sure both Ball Valves are open before starting your pump and filter. Turn on
pump and filter to begin filtering your pool.
2003-Splash Superpools Ltd.
WARNING: The circulation system produces
very strong suction. NEVER lay on or insert
body parts into the skimmer. Always turn off
pump before working on the skimmer.
To Skimmer
Intake Fitting
To Return Eyeball Fitting
To Return Eyeball Fitting
To Skimmer
Intake Fitting