Track One
All status and level displays are concentrated in a central display area, so all important infor-
mation can be perceived at a glance.
The S-DETECT LED shows when sibilants have been detected. It is only active when the
de-esser is switched on, but it is independent from the de-esser control.
So if you turn on the de-esser, you are always informed about detected sibilants and a possible
need for regulation.
The CLIP LED shows overload in the unit. The clipping level of the LED lies approximately 2 dB
below the internal full scale (conforms to + 19 dBu). The CLIP LED should flash as seldom as
possible. At all relevant points of the signal flow the display gets read off: behind the preampli-
fier, behind the compressor/limiter, behind the EQ and behind the output control. All possible
causes for overload can be directly checked (overloaded microphone/instrument/line gain,
an excessive make up value in the compressor/limiter, too much boost in the EQs or too high
output levels). Possible causes of overload can be quickly detected by simply switching off
the modules individually. If overloads occur during recording the quickest remedy is to gradu-
ally reduce the respective gain control in the preamplifier.
The SIGNAL LED illuminates when a signal is being received at the preamplifier. This provides
a quick method of checking that a signal source is correctly connected.
All levels above -50 dB are covered.
The PPM OUTPUT display shows the peak reading of the output level (calibrated to 0 dB) and
is present at the rear outputs. This display also serves to level the preamplifier. The +12 dB
value conforms to 0dBFS – the maximum level which should not be exceeded for the optional
AD converter (further information is given in the manual of the AD converter and on page 22).
Although the values of the PPM OUTPUT display only cover up to + 12 dB sufficient headroom
remains internally (approximately 6 dB) so that the output value can exceed this limit without
causing clipping. The range of optimal noise performance lies between 0 and + 9 dB.
This display provides information about the processing being undertaken with the
compressor/limiter. The level changes, perhaps caused by compression, are scaled in 1.5 dB
steps. The display is activated when the compressor/limiter module is switched on (also refer
to „MAKE UP GAIN“ on page 14).
Control Elements
Display area