Attacker Analog Code
The following examples are given as suggestions and examples.
The described procedures with specific instruments can of course
be transferred to others which are not mentioned here.
Drums & Percussions
The processing of drum and percussion sounds is the most typical
Attacker application.
• Emphasize the attack of a kick drum or a loop to increase the
power and presence in the mix.
• Adjust the apparent distance of the microphone by simply vary-
ing the ATTACK values.
• Enjoy an amazingly simple integration of drum sounds into a
mix. If the acoustic level of a snare is expanded to approximately
+4 dB by increasing the attack value, the effective increase of
peak levels in the overall mix is merely about 0.5 dB to 1 dB.
• If your drums happen to sound as if they have been placed in a
shoe closet, the Attacker can immediately get them out of there.
Just crank the ATTACK control to emphasize the first wave.
Increase ATTACK for in-the-face sounds, which is very useful and
works particularly well for picking guitars. Or blow life and juice
into quietly played guitar parts.
Distorted guitars usually are very compressed, thus not very
dynamic. Simply increase the ATTACK to get a clearer sound with
more precision and better intonation despite any distortion.