Cakewalk Version 9 Setup Guide
Click on ‘OK’ to confirm these settings.
When writing from the 328 with Cakewalk (and with any sequencer in fact), MIDI Echo must be
disabled on the MIDI port being used by the 328. If MIDI Echo is left enabled, a MIDI feedback
loop will be created, and the 328 will behave erratically.
Now enter ‘Project Options…’ on the ‘Tools’ pull-down menu, and click on the ‘MIDI Input’ tab.
If you have no other instruments on other MIDI ports requiring MIDI Echo, simply set Echo mode
to ‘None’ and click on ‘OK’:
If, however, you are using any other instruments that do require MIDI Echo, you must configure
Cakewalk to disable MIDI Echo for the 328’s MIDI port only:
Select ‘Manual’ Echo mode. Now set the ‘Local On Port’ to the 1 and click on ‘OK’.
Note: If only one MIDI port is available on the PC, Global MIDI Echo must be
You have now created a blank environment which is ‘328 ready’. You are advised at this point to
save the song as a .wrk file, and use this as a default blank song every time you start Cakewalk.
Otherwise you will have to repeat the above procedure every time you start work on a new song.