Spirit Fitness
Speed: This program takes you through high levels of intensity
followed by recovery periods of low intensity. This program utilizes
and develops your “Fast Twitch” muscle fibers which are used
when performing tasks that are intense and short in duration. These
deplete your oxygen level and spike your heart rate, followed by
periods of recovery and heart rate drop to replenish oxygen.
Incline: All of your lower extremity muscles will be equally
challenged throughout this program. The incline alternates
between 25% and 65% of maximum elevation.
The default value is 65% of your projected rate maximum. You
have the option of changing your target heart rate. The machine
will attempt to keep you within five beats of your target heart rate.
You will create the desired speed and incline levels for each of the
20 segments of the program using the pop out keyboard on the
screen. After the program has started, you still have the ability of
changing these levels whenever you desire.