H MP Co n f igu ra tio n AP I - S p in e tiX Te ch n ica l Do cu me n ta tion v3 .1
© S p in e tiX S A A ll rig h ts re se rve d .
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The HMP Configuration API defines the XML format and all the configuration commands that can be
used to modify different settings on the HMP devices.
The HMP Configuration API is available since 2.2.1 firmware release, when the configuration backup &
restore feature was introduced in HMP Control Center, and extended in 2.2.3 release to be used
through RPC calls. Further changes and improvements of the HMP configuration API were regularly
done in subsequent firmware releases.
There are two methods to send configuration commands to an HMP for execution:
Via a configuration backup - within the config.xml.
Via RPC - within the
string provided to the
XML configuration string
The HMP Configuration API uses an XML-based format, where one or more configuration commands
are encapsulated within a
The XML configuration string must have the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration version="2.1">
Configuration version
element has a "version" attribute. The version depends on the HMP firmware.
"1.0": Initial version
"1.1": firmware 3.0.0 and above. (Syntax change of two existing configuration commands).
"1.2": firmware 3.2.0 (Additions of 2 new commands).
"2.0": firmware 4.0.0 (for HMP350, HMP300 and DiVA)
"2.1": firmware 4.2 (addition of the passphrase)
Note that version 1.1 and 1.2 are fully compatible, but that version 2.0 and 1.2 are not compatible.