H MP Co n f igu ra tio n AP I - S p in e tiX Te ch n ica l Do cu me n ta tion v3 .1
© S p in e tiX S A A ll rig h ts re se rve d .
P a g e 5 4 of 5 8
This section describes all the commands that
don’t fit in the categories above.
HMP350 only
Controls the screen id needed in case of multi-screen content. If the command is left empty, then the
default ID (i.e. the serial number of the device) will be used.
For instance, to reset the screen id to its default value, use:
To set the screen id to
”, use
Instruct the device to reboot once all the settings have been applied successfully. If this is not set, then
the device will put itself automatically in "Installation mode". A manual reboot or the application of
another configuration, having the
command within, is necessary for the parameters to be
This instruction can appear anywhere in the XML configuration string. It will only be executed once all
other commends have been executed and verified. In case of errors, the device will not reboot.
For instance, to force the device to reboot at the end of the installation, use:
Controls the shutdown temperature of the HMP200. By default the HMP200 will shut down if its
external temperature is too high to prevent injuries on user touching the device. When setting the
shutdown temperature to maximum it could result in the case temperature exceeding 50 °C (120 °F).
Touching the device case at this temperature might result in injury.
If the command is used without any value the default shutdown (safe temperature) will be used. If set
, a maximum temperature of 70 °C will be used.
Note: Only available for HMP200.
For instance, to set the shutdown temperature to default settings, use: