General information
Intended target groups
The target groups for these operating instructions are operating and maintenance personnel, i.e. trained and
instructed technicians or trained production workers. These persons carry out work in accordance with the
authorisation granted by the operating company. These persons must have the expertise required to carry out
the work based on their professional training or comparable on-the-job training and be able to carry out the work
properly and with skill that takes into account safety and potential hazards. Their work shall be briefed, checked
and overseen by trained supervisory personnel/specialist personnel appointed by the operating company. Only
trained specialist personnel with appropriate personal protective equipment may enter the clean room cell to carry
out a filter change.
Type plate
Each product group has a type plate bearing the key data in accordance with the Machinery Directive
In the event that a clean room system comprises multiple parts, a part number (Pn) and type plate must be affixed
for each clean room system.
In the event of individual solutions, the type plate is attached to the cable remote control.
6.0 2020