Safety in Action
SPERIAN FALL PROTECTION Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, D-95015 Hof-Bavaria, P. O. B. 16 46, Phone +49/92 81/83 02-0, Fax +49/92 81/36 26, www.fall-protection.com
D Maintenance
D 1. A fall arrester which has arrested a person's fall from a height must not be used again until a
competent person has agreed on its further use. If no competent person is available, the fall
arrester must be returned to the manufacturer or authorized dealer for inspection
with these instructions
D 2. Depending on use requirements and operational conditions, the fall arrester must be inspected
by a competent person for unimpaired condition to ensure it is in perfect working condition as
required, but at least once a year. For reasons of safety the fall arrester may only be repaired
by the manufacturer.
Competent person is a:
person who due to his training and experience in the field of personal protective equipment
against falls from height has sufficient knowledge about applicable state and local safety
regulations, applicable standards (e.g. EN-standards) and is thus capable and thus authorized
by Söll of judging the correct status and use of systems and products against falls from height.
D 3.
The gap between the slider (2) and the shuttle casing must not be more than 6 mm. If this value
is exceeded, the fall arrester must be sent back to the manufacturer for revision.
Fig. D1