Update Spektrum AirWare™ Software
The orange LED Spektrum bars fl ash and a status bar
appears on the screen when Spektrum AirWare software updates
are installing. Never power off the transmitter when updates are
installing. Doing so may damage the system fi les.
Before installing any Spektrum AirWare fi les, always
Export All Models to an SD Card separate from the SD Card
containing the update. The update may erase all model fi les.
For more information on Spektrum AirWare software updates, visit
Automatically Installing Spektrum AirWare Software Updates
1. Go to www.spektrumrc.com. Under the Setups/Updates pull
down tab, select the Firmware Updates link (shown).
2. Log into your Spektrum account.
3. Find your registered transmitter in the MY PRODUCTS list and
click on Download Updates. Follow directions on the screen
for downloading the update to an SD card through your
4. Eject the SD card from the computer.
5. Make sure the transmitter is powered off and install the SD
card into the transmitter.
6. Power on the transmitter and the update automatically
installs in the transmitter.
Manually Installing Spektrum AirWare Software Updates
1. Save the desired Spektrum AirWare version to an SD Card.
2. Install the SD card into the transmitter.
3. Select Update Firmware in the SD Card Menu options. The
Select File screen appears.
4. Select the desired Spektrum AirWare version from the File
List. When updates are installing, the transmitter screen is
dark. The orange LED Spektrum bars fl ash and the update
status bar appears on the screen.
Do not power off the transmitter when updates are
installing. Doing so will damage the transmitter.
Screen shots from www.spektrumrc.com are correct at time of
printing but may change at a future date.