Welcome to Speedotron
Thank you for purchasing Speedotron Black Line equipment.
The name Speedotron is synonymous with professional
workmanship and the finest electronic flash equipment available.
Backed by years of experience, our engineers have developed
the Black Line system to take the rigors of daily professional use
with consistently outstanding results.
For more than 60 years, Speedotron’s reputation has grown
without much fanfare or advertising. Over the years, we have
found that a satisfied user is our best salesman. We are
determined to serve you well and offer the most efficient,
competent and courteous service anywhere.
If this is your first Speedotron purchase, this guide will help
you get the most out of your new equipment. If you've
purchased and used our equipment before, much of this
information will be familiar. In either case, we advise going over
this manual thoroughly. It contains vital information on the care
and proper use of all (including the latest) Speedotron products.
This manual is not a photographic handbook; only information
pertinent to basic operation is given. If you have questions about
how to handle a particular lighting situation or other application
that is not discussed, please contact us and we’ll answer your
questions as best we can.
The equipment you have purchased is heavy-duty, durable
equipment that will stand up to continuous use either on
location or in the studio. However, there are certain operating
procedures that should be adhered to insure maximum
performance. Treated with a reasonable care, your Black Line
system will provide you with dependable, consistent, long
lasting service.
Please help us to get to know you and fulfill our obligations
to you. Return the enclosed warranty registration card (found in
the center of this manual) to us immediately. Sending in this
card will validate your warranty and put your name on our
mailing list.
Speedotron Corporation
310 South Racine Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60607
312/421-4050 - FAX: 312/421-5079
[email protected]
Instruction Manual