Advanced Setting
Fan Control
Turn the knob: On/Off
Test Pattern
Turn the knob: Off/White/Red/Green/Blue
RS232 Baud Rate
Turn the knob: 9600/19200/38400/115200
Key lock
Turn the knob: Off/ On (press and hold
three seconds to unlock the key panel)
Internal Test
After an LED display is finished, users may want to test the display screen.
DVX602 provides different patterns for users to detect defective pixels and blind
spots and check LED dot matrix for misalignment. Refer to the following step to
adjust the display screen.
Output test patterns:
Under the main menu, choose "Advanced setting"→"Test
patterns" and turn the knob to change pattern color.
Figure 16-1 Advanced setting submenu
Table 16-1 Parameters of the advanced setting submenu