Spectur Guide for HD5 Installation
1300 802 960 | www.spectur.com.au
Step 7:
Remove the M30 washer and M30 nut from the top of the camera
box and feed the cables through the hole in the bottom of the solar
panel bracket then the washer, followed by the nut. Proceed to
tighten the M30 nut.
Step 8:
Next feed the cables back through the M30 washer
and nut, then tighten to secure the solar panel
bracket in place.
Connect the cable to the solar panel cable.
Orient the solar panel so that it faces north. Once
correctly aligned use the two M8 bolts and M8
washers to bolt the bracket onto the top of the
camera box.
Step 9:
Open the system and check the view of the camera by
using the Spectur admin web interface. To change the
view of the camera gently adjust the cameras position.
When done checking and configuring the camera view
close the camera box and lock it with the provided key.
Commented [GP1]:
Remove washer first?