6. Port Range:
For source or destination port range, you can either:
a) enter a specific port, such as "95";
b) enter ports within a range such as "103:315", ">100", or "<65535".
7. Destination IP: For source or destination IP address, you can:
a) enter a specific IP address such as "";
b) enter IP addresses within one subnet or within the same IP pool such as "192.168.123.*"
or "192.168.*.*"
c) enter all IP addresses as "*.*.*.*".
8. Port Range:
For source or destination port range, you can either:
a) enter a specific port, such as "95";
b) enter ports within a range, such as "103:315", ">100", or "<65535".
9. Protocol: The protocol of service used to transport the packages. (UDP, TCP)
10. Add/Delete: Click or to add/delete the profile.
11. When done, click Apply.