3. Domain Name:
4. IP Pool Starting Address:
5. IP Pool Ending Address:
6. Lease Time:
7. Default Gateway:
8. DNS Server:
9. WINS Server:
10. Enable Manual:
11. MAC:
12. IP:
13. Add/Delete:
14. Click Apply.
• We recommend that administrator use an IP address format of 192.168.1.xxx (where xxx
can be any number between 2 and 254) when specifying an IP address range.
• An IP Pool Starting Address should not be greater than the IP Pool Ending Address.
Domain Name for clients who request IP Address from DHCP
Server. This field only contains alphanumeric characters and
dash symbols.
Starting address that can be allocated to LAN-side devices.
Ending address that can be allocated to LAN-side devices.
Defines the time that LAN-side devices can use the assigned IP
address. When the lease time expires, the network client will
either send renew or rebind message to a DHCP server.
IP address of the gateway for LAN.
IP address of a DNS server. DNS Server is used to resolve a DNS
into a numerical IP Address. By default, the WiFi Router will act
as a DNS server.
Windows Internet Naming Service manages interactions of
each PC with the Internet. If you use a WINS server, enter the IP
Address of server here.
Assign fixed IP address for clients.
MAC address of LAN-side device.
IP address within DHCP IP Pool for an-side device.
Add/Delete static IP.