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Tap Water Hook-Up:
1. Attach the garden hose adapter to your
water source. Never run hot
water (greater than 100° F (38° C)) through the system.
Carbon Rinse:
2. Remove Sediment Filter from the 10” housing and screw the empty
housing back on. (Do not tighten housing with provided filter wrench.
The wrench is used to unscrew housings only).
Do not connect water to
the membrane at this time.
3. Run water through the Carbon tank until the water runs clear. Discard this
water down the drain.
4. Once the water runs clear, re-install Sediment Filter and connect to RO
Reverse Osmosis (RO) Membrane Rinse:
5. You must rinse out the membrane preservative by running 2 gallons of
purified water. If you have DI resin cartridges after the membrane, rinse
the membrane with the down-stream DI’s removed. Discard this water
down the drain.
* When replacing the membrane, bypass the RO water to a drain for 2
Waste to Product Flow Adjustment:
6. Place the yellow concentrate tubing and the blue purified water tubing into
a drain. Do not restrict flow from these lines.
7. Open the cold water supply valve. You may use pressure up to 80 psi (5.5
8. Adjust the flow restrictor needle valve, page 6, (#13) until you receive a 3/1
ratio of waste/product water by measuring product & waste water
production for 1 minute each.
Check the system to ensure that all fittings are tight and leak-free before
leaving the system unattended.
If the unit is not used for several days, run the system for at least 15 minutes
before collecting any water.
If you are setting up your system for the first time or replacing a membrane,
please adjust the ratio of waste vs. product shown in steps 6-8.