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The ELIMINATOR™ System gives you a continuous supply of sparkling
clear, delicious water for drinking, cooking, hydroponics, etc. Foods will
look better and taste better, too. The reliability with the ELIMINATOR™
Water Treatment System is greatly improved over other systems and costly
maintenance may be avoided. The system eliminates the need to buy
bottled water. Instead, it puts high quality water at your fingertips.
The incoming feed water from a cold water source is directed through
BLACK tubing to the 5 micron carbon block prefilter. This filter is used to
remove dirt, organics and chlorine from the feed water that can damage
the membrane. The second stage of the system is the RO membrane.
Household water pressure is used to force tap water through the
semipermeable RO membrane. The membrane only allows the purest of
water molecules to pass through it while over 98% of
most inorganic salts,
all microorganisms and almost all high molecular weight organics in the
are rejected and automatically rinsed from the membrane and sent
down the drain.
There is a thin capillary tube (called a Flow Restrictor) located inside the
yellow waste tubing that restricts and regulates the amount of water that
goes to drain. This water is necessary to help keep the membrane flushed
free of pollutants.
An optional manually -operated Flush Valve can be used to periodically
rinse the accumulated impurities and concentrated waste water from the
surface of the RO membrane to help increase the life of the membrane.