The DC level across C308 and the current is detected by R306 and feedback to U401
through R311.
The driver output comes from pin5 and it drives the yoke by a negatives slope current ramp
R419 is used to stabilize the power amplifier.
Boost power D301, C305 is connected to pin3.
Flyback generator
U301 pin6 is the output of the flyback generator that when driven, jumps from low to high
condition C305 transfers the jump to pin3
Vertical size control
VR301, R312, R308.
2.5 Horizontal Deflection Block
Horizontal drive buffering
Driving source-U401 pin11. Driving transistor-Q40, to pull high the
driving waveform to drive the Q401(MOS FET).
Horizontal deflection
Horizontal Output transistor-Q401; Load-Yoke inductance and C414 ;
D401, High Voltage generation-flyback transformer .
3 Troubleshooting Instructions
This chapter describes possible failures of the monitor with corresponding check/correction
actions, and guidelines for safe operation and service of the monitor.
3.1 No Display, No Power
3.1.1 First of all, turn power off, use multimeter to check Q901, and R904, replace if bad. Turn
power on after that.
3.1.2 Check DC voltage across C906. If no voltage or voltage too low, check and fix the following
AC receptacle poor contact, fuse F601 broken, power switch malfunction, or
bridge diode D901 bad
3.1.3 Check voltage on U901 pin 7 for start up condition
If voltage on U901 pin 7 reaches the start