8999153EN: v1.0 18/12/2020
Original instructions (ENGLISH)
Website: www.spearheadmachinery.com
Starting Work
Upon arriving at the location to be topped, lower the machine fully so that both skids are firmly on the
Agricut 180
Agricut 270
Figure 4.15
Adjust the top link so the transport strap is slack (approximately 50mm play) (only applicable to Agricut
Lift the machine so it clears the ground by approximately 100mm, gently engage the P.T.O. and run at
tick-over speed.
Lower the machine to the ground, and increase the P.T.O. speed to 540 rpm.
Select a forward speed that is suitable for the ground conditions and the type of material to be cut.
Check the machine is floating correctly. For further information refer to Section 4.2.
NOTE: When turning at headlands, lift the machine so the skids just clear the ground. This will reduce
field damage in wet conditions.
If the stubble height is not correct, adjust the skid height accordingly. For further information refer to
Section 5.1.
Stopping The Machine
When stopping the machine, use the following procedure:
Reduce forward speed and bring the tractor to a halt.
Keep the machine lowered onto the ground.
Reduce engine revs to idle speed, and disengage the P.T.O.
When the rotor has stopped turning, raise the machine to the transport position.
Disconnecting From A Tractor
There is an increased risk of injury when disconnecting the machine from the tractor.
Before disconnecting the machine, make sure that:
The machine is placed upon a firm and level surface.
The tractor cannot roll after being disconnected.
The tractor has stopped, the parking brake is applied and the starter key is removed.
The machine has come to a complete stop before commencing work.
Children are never allowed to play close to the machine.
Disconnection is the reverse of attachment. Refer to ‘Connecting to a Tractor’; see Section 4.2.