You’ll find this screen has appeared. There are four blanks, for four user
inputs, and a slider at the bottom which we’re going to ignore. Here are the
uses of the other fields.
“Listen to channel number…”
- This is the channel number which
triggers the audio to start playing. As long as this channel’s value is above
the threshold level (set by that slider that we’re not going to mess with), the
sound will repeat playing at a rate determined by the two time intervals
specified lower down.
“wait … seconds and play…”
- This is the first delay in the system. By
delaying when a sound plays, you can sequence events however you see
“…and play file number…”
- This is where you tell the board which file
to play. Remember, when copying the audio files to the Micro SD card, they
should be named as 00.ogg, 01.ogg, 02.ogg, etc. The number in this field
corresponds to the number in the name of the audio file. If there is no audio
file with the corresponding number, no sound will play.
“do not allow another sound to interrupt until … seconds”
- The
number in this field should correspond to the length of the audio file. If this
value is less than the length of the sound file, another trigger sent to the
audio board will interrupt the sound before it finishes. If it is longer than the
sound, there will be a period of silence after playback before another
playback can be initiated.
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