TECHNICAL SUPPORT - tel. +48 71 31 59 068
Carbon monoxide is a very difficult gas for detection by a human be-
cause it is colourless and odourless. It is poorly water-soluble, and its
density is lower than the air. Together with carbon dioxide, it is a product
of burning the fuels, which makes the combined density of the combu-
stion gases higher than the air, so they accumulate in the lower parts
of the rooms. There is no exact value above which the concentration of
carbon monoxide is dangerous. It depends on the time of inhaling the
gas. Inhaling the carbon monoxide at 200 ppm for 2-3 hours will cause a
light headache, nausea and dizziness. The concentration of 12800 ppm
will cause death in 1-3 minutes.
*ppm - number of carbon monoxide molecules in 1 million molecules
of the air