OS/2 Warp 3.0/Merlin 4.0 Software Installation
The 82C933 driver supports both OS/2 Warp 3.0 and OS/2 Merlin 4.0. Before you install 82C933
Driver make sure that you have installed OS/2 WARP Version 3.0 Revision 8.162 or later.
1. Ensure that your 82C933 sound chip has been enabled and power on your system and
wait for the OS/2 Desktop to appear.
2. From your OS/2 Desktop, open (double click) the OS/2 System folder and then open the
Command Prompts folder.
3. Open either the OS/2 Window icon or the OS/2 Full Screen icon to start an OS/2 command
prompt session.
4. Insert the HOT-671 Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
5. Type
and ENTER.
6. MINSTALL will display 3 options to install - OPTi WAVE OS/2 Driver, OPTi OPL3
Driver and OPTi WIN-OS/2 Audio Driver. Select the options and click “OK”. Follows the
instruction to complete the installation.
7. Type
to return to OS/2 Desktop.
8. Reboot OS/2.