Form No. 43539470
Oct 2019 A
Minimum clearances to combustibles shall be measured from the outer surfaces as shown in the following
▲WARNING: Certain materials or objects, when stored under the heater, will be subjected to radiant heat and
could be seriously damaged. Observe the Minimum Clearances to Combustibles listed in the manual and on the
heater at all times.
1. The clearances specified above must be maintained to combustibles and other materials that may be damaged
by temperatures 90ºF (50 ºC) above ambient temperature. Clearances to combustibles are posted on the burner
box. In areas used for storage of combustible materials where they may be stacked below the heater, NFPA54
requires that the installer must post signs that will “specify the maximum permissible stacking height to maintain
the required clearances from the heater to combustibles.” Space-Ray® recommends posting these signs adjacent
to the heater thermostat or other suitable location that will provide enhanced visibility.
2. The stated clearance to combustibles represents a surface temperature of 90 ºF (50 ºC) above room
temperature. Building materials with a low heat tolerance (such as plastics, vinyl siding, canvas, tri-ply, etc.) may
be subject to degradation at lower temperatures. It is the installer’s responsibility to assure that adjacent
materials are protected from degradation.