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LCD Access Controller
Enable/Disable the arming status:
Standby Mode
Access Programming mode
Card only
Card or PIN
Card and PIN
Open the door
Present the tag to reader
4 digits arming PWD
Input user address
Input 4
digits individual PWD
→ →
Input 4 digits arming PWD
Present the tag to reader
4 digits individual PWD
→ →
Input 4 digits arming PWD
Access programming mode
Quit & Arming
Access programming mode
No open the door
Input 4 digits arming PWD
Present the tag to reader
E. Setting up the alarm / arming
Restoring Factory Settings
Reset all device parameters and user card data
Reset IP Setting:
When the device's power is on, press the
button the main board untill the ERR (Red) LED of
screen lights up. (Reference to picture)
After operation as above, you will hear the long reminder sound,and wait until the
sound disappear then reset the power of the controller,the device will restore factory setting.
Manu Tree
5. Tools
1. Language
2. Master Code
3. Master Range
4. Terminal Port
5. Ext.Comm Port
6. Open Time Zone
7. Informations
8. Clock Setting
9. Daily Alarm
0. UART Port
A. Event Logs
6. Quit
7. Quit & Arming
4. Parameters[2]
1. Auto Relock
2. Egress(R.T.E)
3. Miscellaneous
4. Force Open
5. Close & Stop
6. Anti-pass-back
7. Duress Code
8. Password Mode
9. Factory Reset
3. Parameters[1]
1. Node ID
2. OnOff OpenZone
3. Door Relay Tm
4. Door Close Tm
5. Alarm Relay Tm
6. Alarm Delay Tm
7. Arming Delay Tm
8. Arming PWD
9. PIN&UID format
2. User Setting
1. Password
2. Access Mode
3. Extend Options
4. Single Floor
5. Multi Floor
1. Add/ Delete
1. Add > Card ID
2. Add > RF Learn
3. Suspend > Address
4. Suspend > ID #
5. Delete > Address
6. Delete > ID #
7. Recover > Address
8. Recover > ID #
9. Antipass Group
Reset all device parameters and user card data:
Access programming mode
Factory Reset
0 : System Param
1 : User Setting ; 2 : System & User
IP Setting
Log-in User Password
When you choose the "Networking Setting" or "User Password" at first.
Log-in window will pop out and please input
At the Factory Default
User name: SuperAdm
Password: 721568
Open your Web Browser and input factory default IP
Networking Setting
You will find initial IP Address and check
MAC Address is the same as sticker on Ethernet Module
device. Please revise IP address you want, and then click
“Update” button. After updating the IP, please re-connect
the Web Browser by new IP address.
User Password
The password composes of 10 characters at most, it can be
either A~Z or 0~9.
Change the log-in password to lock the IP setting of
Ethernet Module.
If the IP address of AR-327-E
/ 727-E has changed We must
enter the new IP address.