&%STH Command
The &%STH command does not set-up the printer for check printing activity as
completely as the &%STF command mode. This alternate MICR mode command
forces the user to manually program some commands through their host
application. It is used when programmers cannot place &%STFPASSWORD$ at
the beginning of their job. Use the &%STH command if you experience page
ejects while in &%STF mode.
When entering MICR mode with the &%STH command, the printer will:
Verify if the proper front panel combination has been entered (when
Allow access to secure check printing resources such as MICR fonts and
secure fonts which are stored in printer ROM. It also allows access to
protected signatures, overlays, logos and other important resources
stored in password protected nonvolatile flash memory.
Turn hex transfer ON.
The &%STH command can occur within a datastream after the page
has started. The &%STH command, unlike the &%STF command, can be
issued anywhere on the page.
MICR Mode Commands
Password Command
&%STF or &%STH
Lead in sequence
User defined password, 8 characters, case sensitive,
unprintable characters allowed. Factory default is
PASSWORD. See also New Password Command.
Command terminator
MICR Definition Command
Lead in sequence
MICR count, the number of MICR lines to be printed
during this print job. (4 bytes in hex)
Command terminator
Example: &%SMCP0010$
This command prints 16 (Hex 10) MICR lines before disabling MICR mode. This
command defines how many MICR lines may print in the current job. When the count
decrements to zero, MICR mode is terminated.
Set New Password Command &%STExxxxxxxx$
Lead in sequence
MICR Features | 5
Source Technologies, LLC ST9720 Secure MICR Printer User’s Guide