However, you must beware:
the level of the
is not
the same as the level of the fader
is possible to hear a
jump in level when the fader is dropped into record .. If
you want to be sure that the fader level matches up to the
level then you must use the
To explain the nulling indicators choose a fader whose
level in the mix is static. Now move the fader to near the
bottom. Press play on the control panel and then press
record on the fader. You will see that the RED LED
flashes, indicating that the
needs to be moved up-
wards. Move the fader slowly upwards and at the point
where the fader level and the
level match, the fader
will drop into record. If the fader needed to move down-
wards the green LED would have flashed.
The nulling indicators also operate when a channel is
dropped back into play.
If you prefer you can switch the nulling off. This is ex-
plained in the reference section.
If you make a mistake during re-recording don't worry,
you can abort the mix and return to thlf previous pass.
Isolate mode
If things get a little confusing you can go back to manual
operation on any fader by switching the LEDs, off;- Now,'
the fader controls the audio signal and the automation will
have no effect on that fader.
(If you want to revert back to manual operation for the
entire console then select AUTO en the LCD using the'
dial, press the right cursor key, select OFF using the dial
and then press ENTER.)
Global fader modes
It is possible to put any number of faders into any-mode
you like, there is no limit but if you want to switch aU:of.
the faders into record, play, trim or isolate simul1aneously ,
you can do this by selecting FADERS on the LCD, press
the right cursor, select the mode you want and press EN-
You will see all of the LEOs onthefade~s
Tutorial 13
When RED LED fashes move the fader
up. When GREEN LED flashes move
fader down.
.••• GREEN