Rewarding Recording Pending Check Redemption Reminder
E-mail Content:
As a reminder, it has been ten days since you have submitted your Rewarding Recording
Online Claim No. <unique>, and we still have not received the required paperwork (claim form
and invoice from an authorized Sony Professional Media Dealer) to approve your claim. Please
mail us your supporting sales claim documentation within the next five days, or your online claim
will expire.
Sony Rewarding Recording Program Headquarters
Questions? Comments?
E-mail us: [email protected]
Call us toll-free: 1-866-322-7749, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. CST.
Check Redemption Status E-mail
E-mail is generated when Sony approves a claim for check redemption. Used to update member
on status of check redemption.
Sony Rewarding Recording Check Redemption Status
E-mail Content:
Thank you for participating in the Sony Rewarding Recording
Program. Following is the status
on your Check Redemption:
Claim Number: <78413>
Check Redemption Detail ID: <11183>
Product Model: <test>
Status.: <Accepted>
Comments: <test>
Approved Check Value: <$10.00>
Please be sure to print or save this e-mail for future reference.
We appreciate having you as a loyal Media customer and are committed to providing your
business with the highest level of service. Please enjoy your reward with our compliments.
Sony Rewarding Recording Program Headquarters
Questions? Comments?
E-mail us: [email protected]
Call us toll-free: 1-866-322-7749, Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. CST.
Enrollee is rejected as an eligible participant E-mail
Enrollee is either an unauthorized dealer, a Sony Professional dealer or there is incomplete
information entered on the enrollment page. The Sony representative has the authority to reject
the pending new enrollment