Promo codes (if applicable) can be appended to the end of each promo-
eligible line item
Catalog Update
At times TBD by Sony, MEC will manually add or delete catalog items. For new
items, Sony will provide model name, description, category, subcategory and dollar
value, as well as the image for the catalog.
MEC will manually update the new or discontinued items to existing categories and
determine based on the volume of updates, whether or not this is over and above
what is included in the monthly administration fees.
IX. Award Redemption
Sony Rewarding Recording® participants use their Rewarding Recording® Dollars to
purchase items from the online catalog or submit for reimbursement from Sony in the form of
a check. Below is a detailed description of the award redemption process:
Online Catalog
Participants use available Sony Rewarding Recording® Dollars to redeem for Sony
approved merchandise (see Award Options above)
Participants may only redeem for Sony approved merchandise. There are no cash
buy-ins or special orders for this program
Order Process and Fulfillment
The order process is outlined below:
Electronic Fulfillment:
A nightly process builds a file (sonyrr-orders.txt) containing the previous day's orders
and puts the file into the Sony ftp account.
Sony Inventory Management sends a daily order status file indicating that the order
file was received
File name: jaguar01:/export/Files/MERLIN/Client/Sonyrr/export-orders.csh
time run: 12:10AM
Sony Inventory Management processes the MEC order file and sends a ship status
file daily (or when applicable) that contains order number, order line item number and
ship date.
MEC appends the ship status and ship date to the individual account.
Order File Layout –
The file is divided into two sections: header and detail.
Professional Product Fulfillment:
Sony’s Marketing Services’ will monitor the rewards report for all Professional
Product open orders an a weekly basis. At the need of fulfillment, Sony will
complete a consumption form and submit to inventory management for fulfillment.
When the product is shipped Sony will provide the ship date to MEC to update the
Gift Cards and Apparel Fulfillment:
MEC will review the open orders for both gift cards and apparel on a weekly basis
and fulfill from within. The site and accounts will updated upon shipment of product.