session management
Offline edit
Faders and Cut switches can be edited on the Offline GUI, either creating
new absolute data or trimming existing data. The offline edited data is
added to the current Pass in RAM so allowing Undo and Redo facilities.
The Audition mode enables individual automated controls to be adjusted
from their automated playback state to a new setting. Once a new
position is found, the settings can be dropped in from the desired point.
Recalling Mixes and Snapshots
Snapshots and Mixes can be recalled for the entire console, or partial
Mixes and Snapshots can be loaded for a range of channels and
controls. This allows new Mixes to be created from the combination of
previous Mixes. For example in film soundtrack production, a new
dialogue mix can be combined with the music and effects Mixes. The
Automation Isolate mode temporarily disables dynamic automation
for selected channels.
With all the possible parameter settings and changes supported
w i t h i n e a c h c h a n n e l p a t h o f t h e OX F - R 3 , t h e C o p y f u n c t i o n i s
invaluable, removing the need to make time-consuming settings to
several channels individually. It allows control parameters to be
copied between selected channels and is further enhanced by a copy
mask that selects the types of controls to be copied. The Access
switch above the faders is used for the quick copy function. Copy is
also supported on the Session Management GUI.
The Merge function enables new automation Passes to be created by
‘cutting and pasting’ other Mixes or Snapshots, this is edited on the
Merge GUI. Time code points for the edit can either be entered
manually or selected from the cue list. Cross fades and butt joins are
available for each of the edited in and out points. The result becomes
a new Mix Pass, again allowing for Undo and Redo facilities.
The Copy function provides a fast, convenient method of setting up
the console, as one channel path can be configured and then simply
copied across to all other channels. The Copy function also has many
other uses, such as setting the same EQ across a number of lead
vocal tracks. The Copy function handles both static channel settings
and dynamic automation data.
The Link function allows multiple channels to be controlled
simultaneously from the assignable control panels. Almost all the
channel parameters can be linked together with either the same value
or with an offset. Any channel in the Link group will control all others
members. This function is enhanced by the Link Mask that allows the
operator to select the controls that are to be linked (for example these
could be EQ, dynamics and fader only or the whole channel). Typical
use of this function would be to link two mono channels for a stereo
input signal where all changes made to either side of the stereo must
affect both channels. The Link group is set up by using the Access
switches below the faders.
Jog/Shuttle wheel
The Jog/Shuttle wheel can be used for a range of functions that
includes transport control, data entry and list scrolling. Its default
function is transport control and it can be selected to Jog, Shuttle and
Crawl (slow speed shuttle). The wheel can also adjust parameters in
selected fields on session management GUIs.
Set-ups of the console can be saved and restored using the Snapshot
function, enabling instant resets of any settings. These are stored on
internal disk or backed up on to the removable MO disk. Snapshots
are stored under three categories, Artist/Project, Studio or User. The
User category features password protection and allows each operator
to store personal set-ups.
Merge Mode GUI
Snapshot Mode GUI