aux sends
aux sends
The OXF-R3 has 24 Aux Send Busses that are accessible from all
of the mono and stereo input channels. Adjacent odd and even Aux
Sends can be linked to form stereo pairs for cue or stereo reverb
outputs. In the Stereo mode, the even numbered Aux Send level
controls function as pan controls.
For each channel, the contribution to each of the 24 Aux Sends can be
selected from pre or post any of the channel processing blocks. This
gives an option of 11 pick-off points for each Aux Send from each
individual channel.
Aux Sends are controlled either from the ‘Sends 1-24’ panel or by
mapping the Aux Send controls to the faders or pan rotary controls. It
is also possible to copy the channel fader/pan balance to any Aux
Send – an extremely quick way to set up headphone balances. The
Aux Send Master controls are located in the centre section.
Sends 1-24 Panel