[80] How to Use
Displaying Lyrics
Making lyrics information in a text file
You can also make lyrics information in a text file.
Open the “Notepad” by following one of the procedures below
depending on the operating system of your computer.
Windows 7 or earlier:
Click “Start” - “All programs” - “Accessories” - “Notepad.”
Windows 8.1 or Windows 8:
Right-click on “Start screen” - “Accessories” - “Notepad.”
Windows 10:
Select “All apps” - “Windows Accessories” in the “Start” menu,
and then open “Notepad.”
Type the lyrics text into “Notepad.”
Play the audio file to check the time (minutes, seconds and
hundredths of a second) for displaying each text line, then enter the
time information.
You can enter the time information to the left of the text line in the
following format.
minutes:seconds:hundredths of a second
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08/06/16 16:25