Walkman using software with displayable characters in the software
and transfer the content to the Walkman again.
[270] Troubleshooting
Displaying/Playing/Deleting Content
[Unknown] is displayed for the album name or
artist name.
Information such as the album or artist name is not contained in the
data. You can add an album or artist name to content such as music
transferred using software and transfer the content to your Walkman
Information such as the song title, album or artist name cannot be
added to WAV files due to the file specifications. To attach such
information, convert the file to a format that supports data attachment
such as FLAC, and then add the information to the file before
transferring it to your Walkman again.
[271] Troubleshooting
Displaying/Playing/Deleting Content
You cannot delete content such as music using the
Walkman functions.
You cannot delete content transferred using software such as Media
Go or iTunes by using the function on your Walkman. Delete them
using the software that you used to transfer them.
You cannot delete content transferred using Windows Explorer by
using the function on your Walkman. Delete the content using
Windows Explorer.
You cannot delete content transferred using the Finder by using the
function on the Walkman. Delete the content using the Finder.
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08/06/16 16:25