9 (E)
NSR-100/50/25 SYSETUPV3
2-2-1. External Storage Device Connection Settings
When the NSR GUI screen is displayed, execute the following to go to the command line mode.
Press Ctrl
F2 keys
Press Ctrl
F7 keys to return from the command line mode to the GUI screen.
Login as below.
nsr login: nsradmin
Password: vespid175
Execute the following to display error messages correctly.
[nsradmin@nsr nsradmin]$ export LANG=C
When you execute a command with “sudo”, a password may be requested. In the case, enter
Execute the following to set NAS connection.
Execute the following.
[nsradmin@nsr nsradmin]$ sudo /usr/Sony/bin/nsrnfsmounts.sh -1
The name, share, mount point, and status of existing NAS are displayed. When there is no
existing NAS, no one displayed.
Execute the following.
[nsradmin@nsr nsradmin]$ sudo /usr/Sony/bin/nsrnfsmounts.sh -a -s //
<server>/<path> -u <username> -p <password>
Enter the following into < > respectively.
NAS IP address
Share path name
<username>: User name for access to NAS (“Administrator” normally)
<password>: Password for access to NAS (“hpinvent” default)
[nsradmin@nsr nsradmin]$ sudo /usr/Sony/bin/nsrnfsmounts.sh -1
When the above settings were successfully completed, the name, share, mount point, and status of the
NAS set above are displayed.
name share mountpoint status
nfs1 // /mnt/nfs/nfs1 OK
When these do not appear, check connection and settings of NASs, and then execute Step 3 again.
Carry out Step 3 for other NAS to be connected.
Reboot the NSR as below.
[nsradmin@nsr nsradmin]$ sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now
Proceed to the next section.