Cryptographic Token Interface Standard provided by RSA Data Security.
The file that is generated and stored after enrollment of a fingerprint (or other biometric). The
raw image of the fingerprint is not stored. Typically, the file is substantially smaller than the
original raw image, and cannot be reverse-engineered into the original image. The template size
for the FIU-810 unit is 576 bytes, and is stored encrypted in a separate, read-only memory
(EEPROM) deep inside the FIU-810 unit’s circuitry.
TripleDES Symmetric Key
This is a key for a symmetric cipher system, and is the same key used for encryption/decryption.
DES stands for Data Encryption Standard.
This is an account which is managed by the Puppy unit and Puppy Suite software. One user can
register his/her fingerprint(s) and password on the Puppy unit. The Puppy device can only be
used by one individual.
Windows Account Information
Information for Windows Logon such as Windows username/account, domain name, password
and so on.
Windows Certificate Store (WCS)
Storage area where Windows manages certificates. You can access the WCS through the [Tools]
menu of Internet Explorer by choosing [Internet Options] -> [Contents] tab -> [Certificates].
Training Your Puppy
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