When complete,
Click [OK] to make your changes effective and close the dialog box.
Click [Apply] to make your changes effective.
Click [Default] to return all settings to their default values.
Click [Cancel] to cancel the changes and close the dialog box.
Figure 1: Puppy Suite Settings Screen
Puppy Suite Settings: Password Provider
[Start automatically whenever possible] Check Box
Check if you want the Password Provider software to start when Windows starts. This is
checked by default.
[Data Registration] Dropdown List
This key is used when registering passwords, etc.. You can choose from F1-F12, Shift,
Ctrl and Alt keys. The key must be different than that chosen for [Display Authentication
[Display Authentication Dialog] Dropdown List
This key forces the display of the [Login] dialog box. You can use this key when the
[Login] dialog box is not displayed automatically on a registered web site or application
dialog box. This is also used to initiate the Finger Click software component. You can
choose from F1-F12, Shift, Ctrl and Alt keys, but the key must be different than that
chosen for [Data Registration].
Training Your Puppy
Page 31