5.1.5 Operating instructions for Prog470/Prog479 software
Start the software with the Prog470.exe/Prog479.exe data file:
One of three tabs can be chosen in the main menu of the Prog470.exe/Prog479.exe software. The
choice of tab is carried out by clicking on the corresponding key in the main window:
Fig. 1: Main display
5.1.6 “Communication” tab
Communication between the Prog470/749 software and the Superstatic 470 computing unit is
possible only by means of the read-out head or by a serial cable (RS232) via the M-Bus protocol.
The M-Bus protocol is used on the basis of European standard EN13757-3 for communication
between the software and the computing unit.
Select the communication interface
in the window: “Communication
with the Superstatic 470/479
computing unit”.
For communication via the
optical or serial interface
between the Prog470/Prog479
software and the computing unit,
the upper cover of the
computing unit must be located
above the lower part. The
computing unit 470/479 must be
Fig. 2: Communication interface
If communication problems are experienced the filter settings must be altered as follows:
0470P004 Manual Superstatic 470 SPF 02-03-2015