Manual Supercom 646 GPRS rev. 04-02-2011
Installation procedure of GPRS module
This procedure describes the 1
commissioning of the radio central.
Before any manipulation, ensure that the mains power supply is not connected and also the jumper
is not connected to the jumper position 2 on the motherboard. If the bridge is open, the central is
not powered by the battery/batteries (see chapter 3.2.2).
Proceed as follows:
Insert the SIM card in the SIM card holder on the GPRS module.
Set the jumper to position 2 on the motherboard. If the bridge is closed, the central is powered
by the battery/batteries (see chapter 3.2.2)
Connect the radio central to the computer with the UBS or RS232 cable. Read the configura-
tion of the radio central with the software Tools646.
In the tab « General Settings » of the Tools646 set the date and time of the radio central.
In the tab « Communication » go to the panel «Module 2 », and introduce the PIN code of the
SIM card of the GPRS module. Other information like GSM / GPRS / FTP / SMS, reading peri-
ods and the list of devices can be introduced at the same time or later.
Program the radio central with these information.
Connect the power cable to the mains power supply module.
Close the radio central Supercom 646 with the cover
Connect the power cable to the power plug in the wall.
Once the radio central is set up and powered, the GSM / GPRS module tries to connect to the
GSM network. This may take up to 1 minute. Once connected to the GSM network the orange LED
of the module will flash every 3 seconds.
Make sure that the correct PIN code of the SIM card is available to be introduced with the
software Tools646.
In case an incorrect PIN code was introduced, an error will be recorded in the radio central for the
GPRS module and visible with the software Tools646 (field "Error" of the GPRS Module).
After three retries with a incorrect PIN code the GPRS will be blocked and can only be released
with the PUK code.
For this, please insert the SIM into a mobile phone and then enter the PUK code ( this operation is
not realizable by the Tools646).
3.3.6 Mobile phone subscription required with the GPRS module
To cover all functionalities of the GPRS module, the mobile phone subscription of the SIM card
must cover the following functions/features:
M2M Data Exchange:
Machine-to-machine (or M2M) is increasingly being used in a variety of different sectors optimizing
and accelerating processes of interconnection of several GSM/GPRS modules.
Internet Access
The GPRS module needs an internet access. The GPRS module plays the role of the HTTP Client
and FTP Client.
A basic GPRS subscription with Public Internet Access is enough.
Subscriptions with CAA (Corporate Application Access) and CNA (Corporate Network Access) can
also be used without providing additional functionally to the GPRS module.
CSD communication
That the radio central can be called, the GPRS subscription of the SIM card must be able to re-
ceive incoming calls via its own number (CSD MT or CSD incoming).