A storage system fire can be extinguished using conventional extinguishing
Water is recommended as an extinguishing agent in order to cool the battery
modules and therefore prevent thermal runaway in battery modules which are still
Information on the battery modules:
The battery modules have a nominal voltage of 51.2 V (DC) and therefore fall
into the range of protected extra-low voltage (under 60 V DC).
The battery modules do not contain metallic lithium.
Further information can be found in the following document:
Merkblatt für
Einsatzkräfte – Einsatz an stationären Lithium Solarstromspeichern
sheet for electricians – Use on stationary lithium solar energy storage systems,
published by the German Solar Association, or BSW – Bundesverband der
Solarwirtschaft e.V.)
2.4 Regulations (directives, laws, standards)
Observe all relevant, currently applicable national regulations, especially the
Regulations of the local power supply companies.
This list presents only a selection and does not claim to be exhaustive. The
authorised electrician is responsible for knowing and observing all of the regulations
relevant to their work.
2.5 Warnings
This section contains specific warnings that must always be observed when working
with the product.
Danger to life due to electrocution!
Touching components inside the storage system poses a danger to life due to
Do not touch any components.
Do not remove any plastic covers.
Never reach below covers.
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KD-225 | Art. no. 52186 | EN | Version 1.00
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