IP iBase Standard and iCLASS Enhanced Keypad
19810016 REV C
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2.2 Disarming Your System
1. Press the ARM/DISARM Button.
2. When prompted present Card/Key fob or enter access code and press ENTER.
Note: If there is only one partition, steps 3 and 4 are not required.
3. Select the partition you want to disarm:
THIS PARTITION: disarms the local partition
MY PARTITIONS: disarms only the partitions your Access Code is programmed to control
4. Press ENTER.
Note: The keypad will display Disarmed when in the Disarmed State.
2.3 Quick Arm Option
This option is used to expedite the arming of that partition in a facility. It is useful when there are
cleaning crews or other temporary employees working in the facility.
1. If the Quick Arm option is enabled: when the user presses the ARM/DISARM Button the system
will prompt the user to press ENTER to arm the optioned partition in the system.
Example: If a facility has a total of six (6) partitions (A-F), only the partition where the keypad is
located, and programmed for Quick Arm, will arm when Quick Arm is initiated.
Note: Quick Arm will not enable if there is a violation on any optioned partition.
Note: The Quick Arm option can only be enabled by the Central Station.
2. If any alarm loop is in violation, the user will automatically receive the list of violations for those
2.4 Problems Arming Your System
Prior to arming your system, all monitored devices (such as doors or windows) must be secured. If
a violation exists when you are attempting to turn your system on, the screen will display a list of the
unsecured devices. Use the up/down navigation keys to scroll through the list. Once the violated
devices have been secured, continue with the normal arming procedure.
If any monitored device is in violation and prevents you from arming, you may BYPASS it. BYPASS
will disable the device in violation and allow you to continue the arming process. The device will be
enabled again once it returns to its normal condition.
Note: Use of the BYPASS feature is limited to “Master” Level users.
1. When the cursor is pointing at the violation you want to view, press ENTER.
2. With the alarm displayed, the system will ask if you want to bypass the violation. Press ENTER to
I-B , INPUT 01
3. The system bypasses the violation. Press the <CLR (back) button to return to the alarm violation
I-B , INPUT 01