Redbox RB-DMX4 User Handbook
Applications of Use
Each physical input connector (INPUT 1 & 2 or INPUT 3 & 4) supplies the unit with two
channels of audio data, left (1 and 3) and right (2 and 4). Similarly, each physical output
connector (OUTPUT 1 or OUTPUT 2) supplies the outside world with two channels of audio
data, left (1 & 3) and right (2 & 4). These inputs and outputs can be configured in a number
of ways for different applications. Here are a few suggested methods of use:
Stereo Mix of Two Stereo Digital Inputs
Connect two stereo input sources and select on the front panel.
Raise DIP switch 1 and 3 ON for OUTPUT MIX bank 1.
Raise DIP switch 2 and 4 ON for OUTPUT MIX bank 2.
Connect OUTPUT 1 to output equipment.
Mono Mix of Four Input Sources to Create your Own Stereo Output
Connect four mono inputs (for example four different musical instrument feeds) to the
unit and select on the front panel.
Select which inputs you would like on the LEFT of your stereo output and select ON for
OUTPUT MIX bank 1.
Select which inputs you would like on the RIGHT of your stereo output and select ON
for OUTPUT MIX bank 2.
Connect OUTPUT 1 to output equipment.
One to Four Mono Distribution/ Creating Dual Mono Outputs
Connect one mono input to the unit INPUT 1 and select on the front panel.
Raise DIP switch 1 ON for all OUTPUT MIX banks.
Connect OUTPUTs 1 and 2 to output equipment.
Two to Four Mono Distribution Or Creating Dual Mono Outputs
Connect two mono inputs to the unit INPUT 1 and select on the front panel.
Raise DIP switch 1 ON for OUTPUT MIX banks 1 and 2.
Raise DIP switch 2 ON for OUTPUT MIX banks 3 and 4.
Connect OUTPUTs 1 and 2 to output equipment.
Four Channel Sample Rate Converter
The RB-DMX4 can be used as a sample rate converter or an input/output converter. To use
the unit as a “Straight Through” device and take advantage of those features alone:
Connect all desired inputs to the unit and select on the front panel.
Raise DIP switch 1 on OUTPUT MIX bank 1.
Raise DIP switch 2 on OUTPUT MIX bank 2.
Raise DIP switch 3 on OUTPUT MIX bank 3.
Raise DIP switch 4 on OUTPUT MIX bank 4.
Connect the desired connector of OUTPUT1 and OUTPUT 2 to the output equipment
and set the sample frequency that you want to convert to using the SETTINGS
DIPSwitches on the rear panel.