Open the Device View for the device and select the Network Config tab.
Within this tab are op�ons to obtain an IP address automa�cally, or to
configure an IP address manually.
A�er configuring the devices address, click the Reboot bu�on and then
revert your computers IP address so that it is on the original subnet using
the process above.
Fig 3-28: Dante Controller Network Config
For more troubleshoo�ng informa�on please see the official Dante® FAQs
And Dante® Controller User Guide at:
Technical Specification
Dante Controller
In this example no�ce the device is on the 192.168.1.X subnet and the
computer is on the 10.X.X.X subnet. To correct this, edit the computer’s IP
In Windows 10, type
View Network Connec�ons
into the search bar. Right-
click the network that the device is connected to and select
Double click
Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
in the item list and edit
the IP address.
Fig 3-27: Windows IPv4 Se�ngs
Save the changes made to the se�ngs then close and re-open Dante®
Controller. The device should now appear correctly. If the device name is
s�ll red, you may need to disable the other network connec�ons on the
computer. To do this, in Windows 10, type
View Network Connec�ons
the search bar. Right-click the network connec�on to disable and select
Now that the device appears in Dante® Controller, it can be configured and
the network se�ngs can be modified so that the device is in the correct