Select your opera�ng system and click the red bu�on, this will take you to
another page with the correct download file.
Fig 3-2: Download Dante Controller Installer
Click the red bu�on to download the installa�on file. The installer will be
downloaded. Open the installa�on file and follow the on-screen
instruc�ons. A�er the installa�on is complete open the start menu and
apps: Dante Controller
Press ‘enter’ on the keyboard and Dante Controller will open.
Fig 3-3: Dante Controller Applica�on Window
Controls, Indicators and Connections
Dante Controller
3. Dante Controller
Dante Controller is used to create connec�ons between Dante enabled
devices on the network. This sec�on will help you get up and running.
However for more detailed documenta�on it is recommended that you visit
the official Audinate documenta�on page at:
Download and Install Dante Controller
The Dante Controller applica�on can be downloaded from the official
Audinate website. You will have to create an Audinate account if you don’t
have one already:
On the website you will no�ce the download sec�on towards the right-hand
side of the web page.
Fig 3-1: Dante Controller Download Web Page