10 Ember+ Interface
Parameters Node
A list of all the devices outputs, each of the outputs can have their specific
settings changed. For example, a physical output on the PA8;
Fig 10-6: Options available on a PA8 physical output
Each of these options can be selected and adjusted.
A list of all the devices inputs, each of the inputs can have their specific
settings changed. For example, a physical input on the PA8;
Fig 10-7: Options available on a PA8 physical input
Each of these options can be selected and adjusted.
This shows connections between input and output channels, for example
the following shows a connection between the left channel of the first
physical input and the left channel of the first physical output;
Fig 10-8: Mix level option of a connection
Each of these connections provide the option to modify their ‘mix level’,
this is how much the level of audio from the input channel is increased or
decreased before reaching the output channel.