Network Access Rules Page 79
The first time you log into the SonicWALL using HTTPS, you may see the following information
to continue the login process. SSL is supported by Netscape 4.7 and higher, as well
as Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher.
HTTPS Management
supports the following versions of SSL: SSLv2, SSLv3, and TLSv1. Also,
the following encryption ciphers are supported: RC4-MD5, EXP-RC4-MD5, DES-CBC3-SHA,
RC4-SHA, EXP-RC2-CBC-MD5, NULL-SHA, and NULL-MD-5. An 1024-bit RSA key is used.
To use this feature, you must add
HTPP Management
as a
to the firewall. See “Add
Service” on page 70 for instructions on adding Services to the SonicWALL.
Extensive modifications and additional features are available on the
tab in the
section of the Management interface. User level access can now be configured for
authentication and access to the network. Authentication can be performed using a local user
database, RADIUS, or a combination of the two applications.
For instructions on configuring individual users on RADIUS servers, see Appendix G at the end
of this Guide.
Currently, when a VPN tunnel is established between two SonicWALL appliances, any users
residing on the local LAN of each SonicWALL can send data across the VPN. In some cases,
complete user access could be a security risk, and only authenticated users access the VPN
tunnel and send data across the network.